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March Admin Compass: Resource round up, patch schedule changes, research invite and more!

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SAP SuccessFactors
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SAP SuccessFactors Admin Compass
Your monthly newsletter covering all things Admin

Hello all new and long-term readers!

We have traditionally used the Admin Compass to announce new information. That will continue, but we are also going to begin replaying certain info. Not only does every month bring new Admin Compass readers and Community users; ALL of you are busy, and we don't expect you to read each AC end to end. So, new folks and skimmers out there, we've got you covered. And for those of you who DO read the AC word for word? Thanks! We apologize for any déjà vu you may experience…
In this Issue:
1. Customer Community updates
2. Community resource roundup
3. Newly released Diversity & Inclusion features
4. Research opportunities
5. Patch Schedule change
6. Cloud Incident Confirmation policy
7. Call for speakers
8. SAP Signature Management for Onboarding
9. Events
10. Easy links: Product Roadmap, Patch Updates, System Requirements, and Upcoming Retirements
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Customer Community updates
Watch the virtual Community Intro and Tour to engage more effectively, find relevant resources, and become a Community pro!

Single Sign On woes? Some Community users have not been able to connect to their former accounts since we transitioned to single sign on. If you are experiencing this, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Include your previous email and current email address and we will connect the accounts.

We recently enabled the ability to change your username. If you would like to do so, go to My Settings >> Personal >> Username. Usernames cannot exceed 15 characters.
SAP SuccessFactors Customer Community
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Community Resources Roundup
A monthly selection of our favorite resources:
  • Process Library -- Find descriptions of ideal-state HR processes and learn how to tailor your SF products to support those processes. Succession and Development were recently added to the comprehensive list.
  • Peer Match -- connect with a fellow customer to seek advice. Stay tuned for updates to this resource during the coming quarter.
  • Product Quick Answer Boards -- for simple how-to questions, avoid opening tickets by asking your questions on these boards, monitored by the Support team (to access: Community > Product tab > select your product and open the Quick Answer board)
Find these and other resources on the Community’s Empowerment Center
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Newly released Diversity and Inclusion features

We've turned the corner from researching, talking about, and thinking about how to help customers build diverse workforces. The Q1 release marked the first to deliver features devoted to bias elimination!

Admins can already configure many products in ways that nurture diversity (find our e-book on the topic here), and we are excited to now deliver features built explicitly for this purpose.

Learn about this quarter’s new Calibration features, the Workforce Diversity Report Template, and WFA Investigate features.

Learn more about our Diversity and Inclusion project
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Research opportunities
Our research team is often searching for customer partners. We are currently looking for:
  • Calibration customers willing to share their stories (learn more here)
  • Admins who have used or would like to use SuccessFactors solutions to address bias in their organization (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Customers who have used or would like to use SuccessFactors solutions to address sustainability or social responsibility goals at their organizations. (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Please reach out if you think you or your company could contribute to these areas of research. This team is the driving force behind innovations like CPM and Diversity and Inclusion and much of the information in our Thought Leadership library (a redesign of which is on its way!)
See some of the team’s favorite thought leadership resources here.
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Patch schedule change
Starting with the Q1 2017 release we adjusted our patch release schedule from weekly to bi-weekly, with a few exceptions. This allows us to focus more closely on upgrading and standardizing our global data centers on alternate weeks. There have been fewer and fewer patch requests so we do not anticipate major impacts from this change.
Find additional information and patch updates here.
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Cloud Incident Confirmation Policy
Cloud Service Delivery requires support consistent with what you expect from a Cloud company --- industry-leading, available anytime, anywhere and from any device. As another step to realize this objective, SAP SuccessFactors Automatic Incident Confirmation Policy is to close support incidents after 14 consecutive calendar days
  • IF: SAP SuccessFactors Support asked the customer to take action or provide more information through the “Customer Action” status update.
  • OR: The customer has not acknowledged the response to the solution proposed, using the “Solution Provided” status update.
The new policy applies to all incident Severity Levels, and was implemented for existing open incidents that meet the above criteria on 18 February 2017.
The policy is published here.
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Call for Speakers: SuccessConnect London
Calling all Admins in Europe: Would you like to share your SuccessFactors stories with peers at SuccessConnect London in June? We have lined up several sessions comprising the Empowerment & Support track, and are looking for customer speakers. If interested, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will follow up, and can customize the session titles/descriptions to match your unique experiences. Note: only one customer speaker per company per session can receive a comp registration pass; however, multiple speakers from a company can speak during sessions.
Learn more about all SuccessConnect events
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SAP Signature Management for Onboarding
Are you a SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding customer? If so, please join our VIP webinar to learn how you will benefit from our new e-signature capabilities with SAP Signature Management by DocuSign. You’ll learn about new mobile capabilities and enhanced compliance functionality, understand the options you have with leveraging SAP Signature Management, and see a step by step walkthrough of our Onboarding solution with SAP Signature Management. The event is on April 10, at Noon ET.
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Value and Innovation in Practice (VIP) Program
March 28, 2017 Sydney Customer Value and Innovation in Practice Day
March 30, 2017 Melbourne Customer Value and Innovation in Practice Day
April 4, 2017 Bangkok Customer Value and Innovation in Practice Day
April 6, 2017 Singapore Customer Value and Innovation in Practice Day
April 6, 2017 VIP SAP SuccessFactors Recruitment and RMK, Customer Success Day -- Paris, France 8:30 am GMT- 5 pm GMT
April 25, 2017 VIP SAP SuccessFactors Succession and Career & Development Planning, Customer Success Day -- Siegburg, Germany 8:30 am GMT- 5 pm GMT
May 2, 2017 VIP Talent Customer Summit – SAP SuccessFactors Global Headquarters, South San Francisco, CA 8 am PST – 4 pm PST
May 4, 2017 VIP Compensation Customer Summit - SAP SuccessFactors Global Headquarters, South San Francisco, CA 8 am PST – 4 pm PST
May 24, 2017 VIP Workforce Analytics & Planning Customer Summit - The Capitol Group, Irvine, CA 8 am PST – 4 pm PST
Learn more about the VIP program
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Product Roadmap Webinars
Sessions covering the newly updated product roadmap took place earlier in March:
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite: Suite-Wide HR
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite: Strategic HR
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite: Employee Central Core HR / Payroll & Workforce Analytics
Find the recordings here
Easy Links
image description SuccessFactors Product Roadmap  
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SuccessFactors System Requirements
image description Patch Updates  
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Upcoming Retirements
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Contact Us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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