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Oracle's Hurd: CFOs Face Business Model Revolution With Cloud

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Cloud Leader, Week of January 23, 2017 |  Web View
News and Analysis to Guide Your Strategy
Editor's Note
Michael Hickins
Better Business Through Data
CFOs who want more-strategic, revenue-driving roles should move their financial planning and management technology—enterprise resource planning (ERP)—into the cloud, said Oracle CEO Mark Hurd at Oracle CloudWorld last week. The cost-saving reasons are clear: the cloud eliminates a lot of routine IT spending by standardizing processes, frees more IT dollars for innovation, and gives companies rapid access to the most up-to-date features without costly upgrades—"on the supplier's dollar, not yours," Hurd said. "The move to the cloud is about a new business model."

In addition to the cost savings, cloud applications give CFOs better, faster access to corporate data. This advantage has huge implications for everything from sensing market shifts to calculating inventory needs on a real-time basis. "Data is key to unlocking better business outcomes," Hurd said. Get more insight.
— Michael Hickins, Oracle Director of Content

Video: Oracle's Mark Hurd Calls the Cloud Shift 'Inevitable'
Video: Oracle's Mark Hurd Calls the Cloud Shift Inevitable
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From Oracle Magazine
The Cloud and the Maker Movement  
The Cloud and the Maker Movement
Members of the DIY culture known as the Maker Movement have always been quick to embrace new technologies on which to build their inventions. Their latest darling? The cloud. It gives tinkerers the same affordable compute power and array of apps and platform services as enterprise users. Rick Perotti used Oracle Sales Cloud plus a series of online services to create "Homunculus," a voice-driven virtual assistant. "When I speak to Homunculus, it goes out to a cloud service to convert my voice to text and then sends the text back. It then uses RESTful services to talk to Oracle Sales Cloud and have it pull back my day's schedule," Perotti says. Learn about two other cloud-fueled DIY projects.
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